Saturday, August 26, 2006

potty talk

You should already know that one of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk to me in the bathroom, especially while someone (myself, the other party, or both of us...or even some third person who isn't even involved in the conversation) is peeing. Who are these people who view this as prospective social time? Not I. There are several sure file ways to invoke my wrath including taking food off of my plate without permission, stepping in front of me in line for ANY reason, and talking to me while piss is in midstream.
With that said, the other day I was at the good old urinal, focusing on my own 4" x 4" section of the tiled wall, when a co-worker stepped up to an open spot, unzipped, then said, "How's it goin'?" I immediately start constructing all kinds of converstaion quelling retorts, but happen to glance over to see who is invading my private-time-in-public-space. It turns out to be a guy who I can't really get mad at. He's your proverbial geek with a heart of gold. So the attach dogs are kennelled and I thought to myself, "How do I not be a jerk in this situation? I mean, he did observer bathroom ettiquette by choosing the open urinal farthest from me instead of the one right next to me..." So I made a slight movement to pretend I was assessing my own peeing progress and said, "No problems so far!" He sort of chuckled nervously and I couldn't help but to chuckle a bit myself (of course, I was thinking I was so clever, ha ha). I thought it was funny and accomplished the feat of drawing attention to the fact that, I'm sorry, but I'm sort of committed to something else right now. And my wrath went unincurred.

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