Monday, August 07, 2006

back to work

I worked from home last Thursday and, well, working from home sucks. I mean, it is nice to be able to when necessary, but I really feel like I'm operating in a very diminished capacity when working from home. The reason being that I need a certain amount of isolation to be effective. And I don't mean that I would work at home better if i was just locked in a quiet closet and left alone. For the most part Andrea and Felix tried to pretend that I wasn't home, but every time I heard him start crying I wanted to go help. No, what I really mean by isolation is that I need to be surrounded by my work environment to be able to be effective. I need to be able to do several things at once, and at home I just cannot do that. Instead of focusing on deployments, and documentation, and development, and dealiing with clients, etc, like i do when I'm at work, at home I focus on deployments, and the dog, and the baby, and lunch, and dishes, and laundry...

I need the firewall of email and telephone to limit my ability to focus on home when I'm at work. So I went to work on Friday and was able to do more than just the bare minimum.

Today Felix has his 2 week checkup, though he was 2 weeks old last wednesday. He is almost 3 weeks old now, and in a little more than a week he will be 1 month old! It does seem to fly by. Though I'm sure I will miss his current state (I dunno, maybe not) I also can't wait to see him develop. He's already pretty far ahead of the game physically, but I want to see him as he becomes more aware mentally/intellectually.

The novelty of the new family member has worn off for Ash and he has gone back to his regular routine of "Take me out, take me out, take me out!" every 30 minutes. Perhaps he is now switched from being more considerate (he routinely waited until late afternoon before doing the pee-pee dance in the past two weeks) to more competetive (he now does the pee-pee dance about every 30 to 60 minutes, which is bogus because I know he can go for HOURS without having to pee).

Sigh. It aggrivates Andrea to no end to have to deal with a super hungry baby (seriously, he does a minimum of 2 cluster feedings a day) AND now a super needy dog. I hope it is just a phase for Ash. I guess Ash won't feel like there is balance until Felix becomes a possible source of butt-scratches.

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