Wednesday, August 09, 2006

its been three weeks since i looked at you

Felix passed the 3-week-old mark this morning. He rung in the new week with an all-nighter, too. He's been feeding like mad, running Andrea ragged, and he has the gas like nobody's business. All night he slept in 15-30 minute spurts punctuated with 30-40 minute episodes of crying, groaning, and straining. It looks like he's shitting a metric ton but each time i changed his diaper (I think about six times?) all he had done was pee, and a little yellow/green skidmark here or there. Not the diaper filling loads I was expecting based on the noises coming out of both ends of him all night. Luckily, at some point around 3 he decided he didn't want to feed any more and would focus completely on gas, so Andrea was able to get some sleep while I took care of him, trying to sleep during the 15 minute checks when he slept, though he makes a lot of noise when he sleep too, so frequently I would wake up just to check and make sure he was not waking up. I think he spent about 45 minutes sleeping in my armpit, head on my shoulder. He likes to sleep at an angle rather than flat on his back like he is in the crib. If he's not really really tired, he won't sleep in the crib.

Also, last night Andrea swears she killed a cockroach in our bathroom. She left the remains for me to investigate and it did look roachesque, but I know I have killed several critters that were definitely NOT roaches. It's an old house and we have our share of spiders and centipedes, but not so many as to consider it an infestation. So, from the remains that she left on the wall I couldn't be 100% on the identification, but she swears it was a roach. Anyway, that amount of doubt was enough to keep me awake for a couple hours alone...unfortunately while Felix actually was sleeping. I'm thinnking the roach was just a single visitor from across the alley (possibly from the apartment building or the apartment building dumpster) but you know, there is always the fear that when there is one, there are many. Something primal and instinctual about such critters comes into play. I don't think we have roaches or else we would have seen them where there was food, hopefully. I'm thinking this was just a lost little roach that Andrea mercifully killed before it could betray us to its brethren.

As Andrea defiantly proclaimed last night, I will not have roaches in my house! That is one thing I will not put up with. Of course, my immediate thoughts are to the cost of exterminators or somehow roach-proofing the house while she's talking about firebombing the aparment building. I suppose those are both means to the same end...

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