Monday, November 05, 2007


If someone had tried to convince me that the world was somehow geared to make life easier for people who don't have children I would have said, "uh, yeah, suuuuure." But I'm starting to think that is really the case.
I don't think that there is a conspiracy or anything, just that the wants, needs, and basic physiological and psychological (mainly the latter, but directly stemming from the former) requirements are given much less attention than those of non-child-rearing lifestyles. Its more a case of global/universal neglect. It is a crime of neglect that you inevitably find yourself on one side of one day and then suddenly and unexpectedly (not that you will unexpectedly have children, just that you will suddenly realize that you are now on the OTHER know, the one with all those complainers) find yourself on the other side.

Case in point:
Daylight savings time. How does this benefit the average parents? Do they get the fabled "extra hour of sleep?" Only if their children have somehow been reset to the correct time by the latest update from Microsoft. But the point is, the kids will get tired at the same time they they always do, they will wake up when they always do, and they will get hungry when they always do...except how it is an hour earlier in our adult schedules. So that extra hour of sleep turns into just and extra hour of being awake and chasing a freshly energized toddler around the apartment half naked before escaping off to work. It also means that upon arriving home, that kids wants to e fed NOW, not in 30 minutes, not when momma gets home, but right pronto now Tonto! And going to sleep "earlier" means that now we have less fun time with him unless we try to make that extra hour in the morning the fun time...which is sorta tough when you're low on sleep. More on this later.

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