Wednesday, November 28, 2007

bubble bobble

so, I've gotten the paper work started to hire a property management company to try and rent out our house until the housing market turns around. it feels very weird to be handling all of this via telephone and email. anyone who tells you that the housing bubble isn't real (just like global warming, right?) should not be counted on to watch your cat while you're on vacation.

work is busy, ramping up a bit for me. again, after working in IT for a major retailer, it is a bit of a shock that the holiday season has no impact on the schedule of work (other than working around people's vacations). back at big red things supposedly slow down during the "freeze" of peak season when no changes can be made to the production environment. well, I'm not in retail anymore so i have a whole new calendar to get used to. soon I'll be assessing hardware for our upcoming refresh, teasing out the complexities of deploying Office 2007 across the enterprise and, surprise surprise, NOT having to worry about migrating to Vista any time soon.

Felix is still in the midst of his cold-season sniffles but over the weekend he got feverish for about a day and since has developed a nasty sounding cough that comes more at night. It sounds like the croup, I think. I will try to get him a dr. appt tomorrow, but it is really just a confidence building/due diligence exercise since at this point in a child's life, treatment for 95% of infant/toddler cold/illness is "fluids, fluids, rest, use a humidifier, prop up the crib for better drainage..." Basically everything you already are doing if you are halfway intelligent. But its better to see a doctor and get their co-pays-worth of advice before continuing on the board certified regimen of doing what you've been doing.

Worst case scenario is he DOES have something that falls into that 5% that is treatable by antibiotics (pneumonia...bacterial bronchitis?).
So, that's basically the short program of what's been going down. We all generally feel like crap due to the shift in weather, -50% humidity (and that WITH a humidifier running all night) and general crapuliciousness that goes with public transportation.


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