Wednesday, October 31, 2007

boooooooooooone tired.

Happy Halloween.
As you may know, this is one of the few times of the year when the negative aspects of the big 3 religions. Every school child over the age of eight has no doubt been taught the harrowing tale of Hallow's Evening when Jesus, Muhammad, and Rabbi Perlman held a round-robin arm-wrestling tournament to "settle this thing once and for all." No doubt, the parable of the Devil's trickery involving rusty razor blades hidden in the sweet treats of the pious trio teaches all our young ones why you should be kind to animals and always opt for the treat and not the trick. But I'm not going to go over that old saw again, its common knowledge.

Felix has a nasty cold AND he's teething like a mofo from soho, so he's been waking up a lot and guess who also wakes up with him. and of course andrea also wakes up, and if glen is home i'm sure he's being woken up as well. anyway, so i've been feeling fairly like hammered shit to some degree all week. I think it has to do with adjusting to the gradual change in season. I will NOT be ranting about the seasons (or lack thereof in the midwest), but I will comment on the hilarious reaction that my fellow New Yorkers have to a slight drop in temperature. The mean temp this week has been probably around 62F during the day and 58F during the night so, being rather tempered by the midwesternian extremes of weather I find it laughable that people are bundling their children in the most fashionable snowmobile suits and skipants in late October and they themselves ride to work in the finest JPG parkas, handcrafted by Parisian urchins for tuppence a night, etc etc. The great thing is, people are wearing drastically inappropriate clothing for the slight drop in temperature, yet the subway is still 200 degrees at any given stop (except between smith/9th and 4th ave which are outside and, oddly enough, a steady 38F all year round, don't ask me how). Considering the amount of time I have to spend outside s the amount of time I'm likely to stand on the subway platform, I don't think I'm even going to bother unpacking my winter coat. A good sweater can get me from my front step to the 7th ave station in the hairiest of winter weather. Never mind this slight change in the wind that has cooled off our avenues to a slightly brisk autumn splendor.

And yet, even New York has that lovable asshat, Mr. Comicbook T-Shirt and cargo shorts all year long...this type of guy is a universal constant and can be found in any climate.

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