Monday, November 19, 2007


What? Thanksgiving is THIS week? holy moses time flies in the big apple. Seems like Halloween was just last week. I have found my autumn to be pleasantly lacking holiday music, though I did see regular TV the other night while picking up dinner and all i can say on earth did we ever put up with those crappy commercials?

So, I thought thanksgiving wasn't until the last thursday of the month, or at least, wasn't until next week. So suddenly I'm looking at a 3-day week, which also means a 4-day weekend (both Andrea and I get Thursday AND Friday off from work). How weird is that? Gone are my days of remembering to try and take that day off. Gone are my days in retail. Also, at work, I've been here for what, two months now? coming up on is when I'm looking like I'm going to get busy instead of ease off like in my old job. In retail, the retail side gets super busy but the support side, well, that slows down a bit since nothing major can be implemented during "peak season." I think I'm liking it in the non-retail world. I'm sure that benefits consulting has its own special calendar, probably related more to the fiscal calendar or something.

So then the question comes from all directions, "What are your holiday plans? Are you going back to Minnesota?" Of course we're not going anywhere. We'll probably stay in all day on Thursday and hang out. Friday I think we'll have the nanny come and watch Felix so Andrea and I can go out and catch a movie or something. We started to make our own traditions back in Minneapolis and I expect we'll do that here too, but I have a hard time feeling like the holiday traditions are really going to take shape and start to stick until Felix is old enough to hold on to them too. Holidays, in my mind, seem to be more for children and extended families. What's that? Has my atheism McScrooged my love of a "day off" and an excuse to sit on the couch, watch football, and drink beer before dangerously over eatingmyself into an early grave? Not at all. It's just that holidays don't seem to eclipse anything like they used to. It used to be that when life was rolling along and things were on your mind, hey, at least you could push that stuff to the background and just focus on the holiday, on the food and family and fun.

I expect that when we do finally make our way back midwest for a visit, we'll be a lot more appreciative of our surroundings and family and friends. Partly because we'll probably be mooching off of them for a place to stay and a car to borrow when we want to visit someone...and of course, the baby sitting!

It's hard for me to imagine experiencing a holiday in the same way as I used to; sitting around doing nothing, eating lots of food...just being. I don't think anyone can "just be" around a fireball like Felix. Seriously, we are the support crew for rocketship Felix. Look out!

Did I mention that he is now on to acrobatics?

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