Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Night Post

TA DA. Just read last week's Sunday night post, but substitute dates and names and, i don't know, throw in some random adjectives to spice things up. I'd do it for you here but I'm too lazy.

Ok, here's something. I got a phone call today from the recruiter who got me my current job. I have not heard from this guy since the day we closed the deal, over two months ago. My boss has been back to his office a couple times in the past few weeks since he's hiring a couple more engineers. The recruiter was calling me to touch base, see how things were going, see if i was happy and if there was anything bothering me or that I was worried about, any red flags, am I doing what I was hired for or is it not what I thought it would be? Uh, no, I like the place, I seem to be fitting in well, I like my boss and co-workers, its exactly what I was hired for and I'm enjoying it, why?

Oh, he's been talking to my boss a lot lately and all he hears is high praise, they love me, hope I'm there for a long time, I seem to be really good at my job, etc etc...he just wanted to check with me and get my side, and that its good to hear it coming from me.

I get the feeling that there's some history behind this phone call, something to do with they guy who was recruited for my same job about a year ago who quit the same job after the first week. The story I heard was that the guy got a better deal somewhere else. Anyway...I dunno if he thinks he's protecting his investment because he doesn't get paid unless I make it to 90 days or something, but getting one random phone call is hardly a loyalty-making move. I'm at my new job, i like it a ton, and I'm a lot more loyal to that place than the guy who called me up and intriduced me. Not that I'm not loyal, he just hasn't had much of a presence. And benefits just kicked in so I'm not going anywhere!

Felix's 15-month appt is Tuesday. He was officially 15 months old last Friday. And he walks almost all the time now. And crouches, and picks stuff up, and constantly points at airplanes and helicopters. He seems to really like airplanes. When we hear one from the lving room, he points at the window with a big big big smile. Next he just has to start learning more english.

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