Friday, June 15, 2007

oh father!

so, Sunday is father's day. On this day I am minutely conflicted. Father's day and Mother's day are similar to Valentine's day, secretary's day, grandparent's day, etc... in that they are largely Hallmark Holidays. But nearly so much as Valentine's day, which I view as just sort of plain stupid and evil. Mothers and Fathers days are good holidays, I think, in that they (should) promote introspection about your relationship with your respective parents. It is good to occasionally say, "Hey, thanks a lot. I appreciate you being there for me all the time." or "Thanks for sending me to college, I wish I hadn't been such a bonehead back then." or even "I respect that you didn't give in." Honoring your parents is something that should get some airtime in your day at least once a year. According to "everyone", the minimum offering should be a card and flowers. If you are able to, you take said honoerd parent to dinner, or something. A token that says, "Hey...thanks. I didn't forget this time."

That said...and I say this as a father myself (though this is my first anniversary), I wish retailers would shut up about it and stop trying to make me feel inadequate for not sending my parents on a cruise or buying them a flat screen TV during any of the special deals or sales. Now, granted, I encounter this pressure much less (not because I'm heartless) because I don't watch commercial TV, so I don't see the ads. I do see them online, hear them on the radio, and see the in-store displays. Maybe because I don't have the TV stream of adblather I am more conscious of the other marketing avenues. Anyway. I'm not some grinch who just doesn't want to give presents to my parents for all the pain and suffering I've put them through. (and I should come clean and say, yes, I know, I'm a horrible gift giver even when I DO want to give them, I'm sorry for that) As a new father, I'm experiencing all sorts of things for the first time. For Mother's day, I took my mom out to dinner because she was actually in town (the day before actually), otherwise I would have just given her a phone call. If times are good and we have money just laying around getting dusty, I might send her a gift certificate to Amazon or JoAnns. I also made Andrea breakfast in bed since she definitely needs to be recognized for her mothering (this year Felix got her a card too). And I gave her the day off and took care of Felix all day. On weekends, I usually try to take as much Felix time as possible anyway, since Andrea usually needs a recharge (though the weekends have morphed a bit since she started working), but a guaranteed 100% day off is a pretty good gift, I think.

Anyway, so Andrea asks me what *I* want to do for father's day. Do I want to do something special? Do I want to do something special as a family, with just Felix, by myself?

Huh. Something to think about. I think its safe to say, after this morning's performance I shouldn't expect (or really even deserve) a chunk of "me time", but perhaps we will do a nice family event that might give Andrea some release from the tension of today....I think we might take Felix to a beach or something. But I certainly wouldn't expect either Andrea or Felix to go shop the special sales for some thing I was hoping to get from someone.

Now, be it known that my parents have never demanded gifts on any of these days. Wouldn't turn them down, but they like to know their children are at least thinking of them.

Aw hell, I'm too scattered to finish this...
and I need to finish grilling the lamb while Felix is still asleep.

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