Friday, June 15, 2007


well, I did it again.
The past week or so have been spent preparing for A's trip out to Chicago for an interview. The studio she's interviewing at is interested enough in her that they want to fly her too Chicago for the day, have a car pick her up at the airport, show her around town, etc, and then send her back to the minneapple in time for a late night tuck-in for Felix.

SO...after my previous airport experience, I felt pretty confident that she could catch the light rail 45 minutes before her flight and have no problems. Well, being OVER confident, I didn't get her to the light rail until right at 6:30, for her 7:00 flight. And we just saw the train pull away so we knew it would be maybe 10 minutes before the next one arrived. OK, so we drove to the airport and got there just in time to get on her plane....but AirTran moved from the main airport terminal to the Humphrey terminal last month. So then we SPEED to the Humphry terminal and arrive there 5 minutes too late and she missed her flight. So get on the next one, right? Well...yeah, they TRY to get her on the next flight but its already overbooked (WTF?). That flight leaves at 10:25 which gets her to Chicago at noonish, which sucks, but hey, spend the afternoon in CHicago and come home at night. Ok, so they try for that. Nope, they load up the plane and fly off, no Andrea on board. Her confirmed, guaranteed flight leaves at 12:52 and gets to Chicago at around 2:15. So, her day of being wined and dined by a prospective employer has turned into a nightmare morning followed by a late morning of drama and boredom at the Humphrey terminal, which is like being stuck in a small airport in nowhere midwest with no shops or food places, followed by a flight and just enough time to meet the studio, show her portfolio, maybe grab a light dinner, and then back onto the plane at 7:50 and home by 9:30.

If this were a vacation or a trip that spanned several days, this change in schedule would be a huge hassle, but not too much more than that. For a one-day visit with an prospective employer, who is interested enough to fly you out...well, it takes on a whole different flavor entirely. Andrea, understandably, is beside herself. She hates being late for things and even more hates for someone to think she's not on the ball, especially when an opportunity like this is in play. Obviously, she's very unhappy with me. My stupid confidence turned hitting a tight deadline into utter disaster. And of course, I was the one riding her ass for the past week to make sure she had everything lined up, all her stuff in order, her clothing picked out, everything because, "I'm just not looking forward to the morning-of drama if you forget something." Yeah, serves me right, but it does not serve her right at all.
She hates me, understandibly, and I'm not too proud of myself either.
I feel sick. I hope they are very understanding, but even more I hope that once she gets on that plane her day gets better, not worse. I've robbed her of a little bit of RnR, even though it is around a business trip, and I've possibly tarnished the impression they have of her. I wish I could call them and say it was all my fault.

Of course, this also means that next week when she flies out to New York we'll all be riding MY ass pretty damn hard to make sure I don't mess it up again.

And of course, Felix misses his momma. It doesn't help that I got him up early so we could all go to the airport. He should be finishing up his morning nap soon...its been a good long one.

It's supposed to be in the 90's today. Ugh.
I feel like crap for what I've done to Andrea, Felix is off because of the heat and his lack of sleep, and not to mention he's used to spending the mornings with mama. We'll see...this will be a test run for next week when I've got him for 2 days and 3 nights on my own.

And we've got a handful of important errands to run once he wakes up.
You've done it again, bonehead.

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