Wednesday, June 13, 2007

no seasons

and now I shall rant a bit about our lack of proper seasons. This is Minnesota, we should have four distinct seasons. Cool and wet, hot and moist, cool and dry, and frozen. And those four distinct sensation-based seasons are roughly the same length, or at the very least, not drastically different lengths. Those of you playing along at home may have noticed that this year we've gone from frozen to hot and moist in a record 4 weeks, and that's not even a proper four weeks, I just mean that it has been roughly a month between the last substantial "cold spell" and the first substantial "heat wave". During that month there have been mostly moderate days, lots of overcast, lots of rain, a couple "cold" days and several unexpectedly warm days. Before that it was basically just cold all the time and from here on out I expect it will just be plain hot and humid. Basically, I'm still paying off my heating bill from the winter and already I've had to install one of the AC units so that Felix can sleep at night and his nanny doesn't quit during the day. WTF? If anyone with half a brain out there still doesn't believe in global warming, wake up. It's real. And even if its not, don't be such a bitch. Pollution is bad, gas guzzlers are bad, SUVs = bad, and it goes without saying that your asshat "Who gives a fuck about global warming, I'll be gone when the rapture comes anyway?" attitude is pretty much the big bad.

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