Thursday, January 10, 2008


Odd, it feels like I've been blogging every day, yet there's nary a posty between here and a week ago. In truth, since the new year (since Dec 25th, actually) I've been journaling on paper while I wait for and ride the train to and from work. This is both helpful and a hindrance because I am more free to write my thoughts in my private journal but I also find I put a lot of content in there that would also end up here for general consumption but that never makes it here because, well, who has time (or motivation) to transcribe and edit one's handwritten personal journal for a publicly available edition for blog? Not I.

So, here's the weekly roundup:
Felix - 200% better than before.
Will & Andrea - worse, better, better.
Glen - Honestly, tonight id the first time I've seen him since my last post.

Work - great. getting busier all the time. I have to come up with some annual objectives. If nothing else, working at Target more than prepared me for the kinds of HR hoops you have to jump through in any company that actually has an HR department.
Play - what? what's that? oh, been dabbling with my webcam and that security cam from A's dad. By tomorrow I should be able to cobble together a little pirate studio. The only problem with the webcam is that it's, well, very cheap and very low quality. The few times we've done skype between NYC and the middle-west they said I looked like I was starring in one of those Al Quaeda videos that they shoot in the mountain caves of Afghanistan. That and my laptop mic-jack is somewhat unreliable. But anyway, hopefully the ATM-cam will provide much better video quality. With that in place, hopefully we can make the most of things like Skype and perhaps I'll start video blogging. Why not? everyone else is doing it.

Dad - Dad had his surgery today and though it took longer and was "more difficult" than expected, it was without complication and as far as we know, successful. No news on the actual effectiveness until Monday, or maybe Tuesday.

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