Thursday, January 24, 2008

mr. mom

I stayed home with Felix again today because our nanny called in sick this morning. On the one hand, its great that I can do that but on the other would be nice if we had some sort of back-up child care so that when this happens (and I'm sure it will) again it doesn't have to throw mine or Andrea's day into chaos. Despite it all, I managed to work from home for a couple hours and make some serious headway on a problem/new area of development. The wonders of virtual infrastructure...

Anyway, I also managed to record a short video blog but its not a good one so I think it will end up in the bin.

Felix had his 18 month appointment on Tuesday. The doc looked in his ears and told us that we should go ahead on use the oral antibiotic prescription that we got two weeks ago when Felix had his eardrum burst. She said she could see some fluid still back there so she advised that we run through the course of amoxicillin to keep it from turning into a sinus infection. Seems like she was just in time too, since Felix has started to get very cranky and needy like he did when he was sick. I think its mostly due to some heightened teething activity (I think his molars are doing the heave-ho or something). Poor kid. So, the results of his appt? low % weight, high % height. He's slim and tall. The doc was asking the diagnostic questions and the first one just totally threw me.
"Can he run?" I blinked at her.
"Can he run? You know, he'll be probably a little stiff in the legs at first but..."
"OH. Right. Yeah he runs. It's all he does. Can he sit still, that's the real question!"
He runs, flips pages in a book, had 15-20 "words", he definitely seems to understand us, he feeds himself, he can drink from a cup, he can drive a car, he can vote, etc...

So, yeah. it was a bit of a rough day, had its moments. I look forward to not staying home tomorrow.

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