Thursday, January 03, 2008


not able to update much this week. Felix has been steadily getting better but also morphing symptoms. The rest of us have been somewhere between getting worse and getting better. I feel like crap most of the time, had fever and chills last night. Felix can be happy one moment and then suddenly cranky, usually with his fist stuck all the way in his mouth. Tonight he did it again and some fluid started draining from his ear. Then he was magically a super happy old Felix. Eating and laughing and dancing and playing...but still leaking from his ear. So we called his peed office (after calling grandma first) and the doc told us the same thing that mom said. Burst ear drum, nothing more to do, treat fever with tylenol/motrin, see you in the morning. I'm sure I will be one of many people lined up outside the Dr. office at 9am, but whatever. Every day this week I've emailed my boss saying "I'm probably going to be late or out today because of Felix" and I always end up going in, usually not too much later than usual. Well, tonight I PROMISED I was going to be in late. I wouldn't be surprised if we show up at 9 and wait until 5 to be seen.

Otherwise, things seem to be ok. It is now 2008, which means I instantl,y accrused 2 weeks of vacation. Not that I'm able to go anywhere, what wit our most uncertain conditions of our real estate in MN, the health of our son and ourselves, and of course, a brimming work schedule. But hey, Suzanne is etting married so we'll have to get back to the middle west at least for that.

The house is being thawed out slowly. The disaster recovery guy said, "The good news is, there doesn't appear to be much additional damage being caused by the melted water. It all seems to be ending up in the basement." Seems odd to me that they thaw out the pipes to ALLOW damage to take place before fixing it. I guess it is easier to locate all the leaks when the melting water is allowed to do more a weird way. I mean, I guess they are going to fix everything so I shouldn't care if they tear the whole house down before building it back up, so long as it is the same or better when they are through.

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