Monday, September 10, 2007


Well, another good day at work. For both Andrea and I. As we all knew and expected, Andrea really likes her new job, her new employers, and her new home. I feel the same way. I imagine that given the opportunity, we'd both stay at our respective jobs much longer than we're expected to stay. But Felix gives us both reason to return home. I know what you're all thinking, "Don't you want to see each other?" But we don't need to go home for that. During lunch I hopped on the six and met Andrea at her new studio. We walked a few blocks away and sat on a bench and ate our sandwiches together. When she works during the day, Andrea learns something that I've known all along; you really come to look forward to and enjoy your time with your kids when you spend most of their waking hours at work. Tonight Andrea gave Felix his bath because she wanted to get more quality time with him. I usually give him his baths (not always, but more often than not) but I know what she's talking about. We've been giving him baths almost every night since his new favorite thing to do is rub his dinner into his eyes and hair. You just can't clean that up with a paper towel or a wash cloth. Doing that only cleans the surface and makes his hair start to smell like sour milk the next day.

All in all, life is good.

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