Thursday, December 25, 2008


I just deleted the post I started writing yesterday. I had good intentions but somewhere around character 3 or four it all started to go pear shaped. Rants about sub-prime mortgages, mortgagee's, corporate bailouts, financial ruination, mental duress, etc etc etc...not a very happy xmas message.

So, starting again from scratch.
The only thing I will say of a negative nature, or somewhat negative nature, or hinting upon my/our/everyone's current negative nature is from "Oh, the Places You Will Go!" by Dr. Seuss. Paraphrased, of course.

Somewhere about seven pages in he talks about when you fall from your high heights and you are left in the lurch by your cohorts.

You'll come down from the Lurch
with an unpleasant bump.
And the chances are, then,
that you'll be in a Slump.

And when you're in a Slump,
you're not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done.
That's about it for me and us and etc. I am personally slumping, but only in regard to the mountain of hackenkracks looming up before me. We as a family are majorly slumping because, well, when you have big hard decisions you naturally get slumped. And of course, the whole country is in a horrible horrible slump, has been for a year or two, so that's that.

So, we're feeling the slump. Edging towards the waiting place. We're sort of in a slump/waiting place combo-hybrid.

So, nuff about that.

Merry Xmas happy holidays, hope everyone has had an enjoyable day off from regular work, if you had one, and perhaps a long weekend to come. These next two weeks are so borderline, especially what with the possibility of long and longer weekends depending on when the big days (25th, 1st) fall on. There should be some sort of quasi-leap yearish rule that says if xmas and new years are on a Thursday, everyone just automatically gets off from the 25th to the 2nd. I mean, really. But then again...if that happened, what the hell would we all do on the 26th through the 31st with houses full guests and no place to send them out to? It'd be like some sort of holiday vacation grudge match fo some. I know that for me, going to work is an important part of maintaining my sanity. Not that I'm a work-a-holic or that I don't like my family. Of course not. But I get grumpy and antsy and crabby and listless when I don't feel great about myself, and this time of year I'm generally feeling less great about myself than usual. Its a time of year when the great juggling acts I've been performing tend to wear thin, the punchlines are already old and worn out, the balls are greasy from handling and sweat. In general, it feels like an ending without a necessarily wonderful denoument and the trailers for the coming sequel don't look like lots of fun. We'll see. But in general, I tend to get less than wonderful to be around all the time right now. But I'm trying! We're all trying.

We had a nice little gathering for NYCXMAS II, or Xmas in the 3rd year of Felix (he's 2.5625 years old). Just Felix, mama, daddy, uncle Glen. I got a Flip Mino pocket digital camcorder (yay! Andrea's dad basically read my mind) which I used to film most of Felix's gift-opening shennanigans. Felix got books and toys and musical instruments (slide whistle, kazoo), and of course (yay!) clothes. Andrea got books of various shapes and sizes right from her wishlist, so she was very happy about those too. We all had a good, small, tidy xmas. Full of wonder and possibility.

If i get approval from the chief, I may see if i can post the Felix highlight reel or perhaps host it somewhere for them that should be given access.

Happy holidays. Merry Merry.
It's hot as hell in here because Glen is doing some kitchen magic. We all look forward to that!

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