Monday, December 01, 2008

It's Official

We're in a recession, have been since last December. Funny how you can't be in a recession until you log 4 quarters of decline, but once you are in recession, the past four qualifying months are retroactively designated as recession. It almost seems superstitious, like not having a 13th floor even though it is actually impossible to not have a 13th floor if you build a building with 13 floors. Sort of like, don't tell the kids and everything will be OK. Hell no it won't. We've all been watching as the economy circles the bowl for over a year. Who on earth thought, "No, just wait, its not a recession yet...just give it one more month..."

So, uh...what's happening, paycheck will stay the same. It certainly shouldn't go down. Inflation is sort of a fairy tale right now. Maybe prices falling a little bit will be a good thing in the long run. Our electric bill went fro $100 to $35 between October and November and honestly, we didn't use THAT MUCH more in October. The energy prices have been falling because, you know, not so much demand for energy since all those factories and plants and offices everywhere are closing, not so many people are going to be buying utilities for their empty properties...demand goes down, prices go down. Those of us who still need it, or at least will be continuing to pay for it, will get a slight break.

We'll see. Once again, we go into the holding pattern: Have a job? Sit tight. I waited out the IT slump of the early 2000's and then took off my career development. Right now its not an IT slump yet, but we'll see. All you IT types, just focus on two things: Keep your job and make sure everyone realizes that they NEED YOU (and somehow you are saving the company money).

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