Friday, December 26, 2008

don't get comfy

Two posts in two likely is that to happen anymore? Not very...not unless its the holiday season and I might actually be able to grab the time and have the brain power to fuel it.

Just a quick thought today:

What could you do to improve your life immediately in some way, with the stipulation that a) it can't cost anything to you personally and b) you would and could actually do it and stick with it?

And I mean actually improve your life, not just something warm and fuzzy and unimportant? I know nobody really reads this outside a small circle, but just in case, please, use the comments section.

Consider this a twist on the "If you could do anything..." question. It's more of a "What can you possibly, realistically, do?" type question.

And of course, part 2 is, if you CAN think of something, why aren't you doing it yet? How do I know you aren't doing it? Well, I don't, but if it took you more than 5 seconds to pop out the answer, you probably aren't doing it.

Here's mine, sort of. I'm losing weight, and/or keeping it off. Though my day to day life doesn't REALLY feel like it is improved as a result, and I am not actually actively doing anything to make it happen (its just a result of our lifestyle which did undergo some relatively major changes since we found out Felix was coming). So, I really need to come up with some other things.

One other thing I'm doing is going to the company well and getting out as much training, etc, as I can that they will cover. This does immediately improve my life because it actually does help me do my job better and prepares me for whatever my next steps are. It also, I hope, causes my company to value me more because they are investing in me and they should be interested in protecting their investment, getting the most out of it that they can. And self improvement is life improvement, right?

The challenge is to figure out as many of those things as you can and to do them.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

*Smile as often as you can remember to, especially when you feel in a slump, or something happends that you would usually (currently) grumble about. (I don't usually need to do this, life is pretty darn fabulous right now)
*This next one I haven't done in a while, but I like it. It started when my college roommates and I would play "Best and Worst." At the end of the day we'd ask each other what was the best and worst thing/event/part of our day. It's a way to find something positive in every day. And a way to find out what is going on in the lives of those you are close to.

I hope you find something that helps. It sounds like you really need it.