Sunday, December 17, 2006

weekend shmeekend

Actually, all things considered, it wasn't a half bad weekend. ACTUALLY, all things considered, it was a pretty good weekend.

Last Saturday I called in to our home warranty company because our dryer, which as been on its last leg since we bought the house (and has been steadily losing its toes), finally kinda kicked the bucket. The belt or drive wheel no longer gets enough traction to spin the drum if anything heavier than a wet sock is in it. So I called them up last Saturday and they said someone would call me within 24 hours.
Sunday comes and goes.
Monday comes and in the afternoon I call back to say, "Nobody called me."
"Oh," they say, "It says the contractor said they don't go all the way out there." Out there? out where? We live smack dab in the middle of the damn city. "I'll put you on the redispatch list."
"Uh, yeah, its been two days now, can you give it some sort of priority or something?"
"Yes, I'll do that."
"Hey, nobody has contacted me yet."
"What? Oh, it looks like the contractor doesn't..."
"Yeah yeah, Jon's Appliance...I had this conversation two days ago. We were supposed to be redispatched, with priority..."
"Um...whoever said that must have forgotten. I'll redispatch..."
"Yeah, look, we're on day 5 with no dryer and I have a 5 month old baby. I've had the same conversation twice now..."
"Here, let me transfer you to a service agent and they will handle this for you directly."
"Uh, thanks I guess."
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I called in on Saturday..." story continues.
"Ok, I'll find a contractor right now, can you hold?"
"Ok, um, the only contractor I was able to get in touch with was...SEARS, and they can't get out there until Monday. Is that Ok?"
"Monday? No, of course that's not ok, but what the hell am I going to do? If that's the best you can do, I guess I'm stuck with it. Can't you keep trying other contractors and hope someone can get here sooner? I NEED a dryer. I'm drying diapers on my freakin' radiators."
UPDATE: So we're getting a new dryer. Will only be a week or so before it arrives... gah!

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