Monday, September 25, 2006

crack shack

So i set up a little webcam in my attic so I could monitor the activity at the crackshack across the street. The program I'm using to capture the feed from the webcam is an open source app called Fwink. Unfortunately, it isa pretty barebones and doesn't have an archiving or auto-naming function, it just takes a snapshot and saves it to a specific filename every X amount of seconds (or minutes or hours).

SInce I can't really be monitoring this thing all the time, the archive would be nice. So I htink I'll write a little vb script to run that will automatically copy this image file to an archive directory with a new, incremeneted, filename. That would be a lot more useful.

Yes, I suppose I could set up a live stream, but saving an archive of THAT would be very space consuming.

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