Tuesday, February 06, 2007


As I mentioned, Felix is about a week or two into eating solid foods. So far he has eaten rice cereal, squash, potato, sweet potato, and carrot. his attitude towards these foods ranges from grudgingly tolerating to totally loving it. And with solid food comes....dun dun DUN, solid poop. I go away to work during the day and come back at night. Felix generally does most of his pooping during the day so there are times when I may go for several days without coming face to face with a Felix fece. As he has been eating more and more solid foods, his frequency of pooping has gone down, so for me the shift from the innocent, sickly sweet smelling yellowy poopums to the nasty, brown, solid, shitty smelling shit has been rather abrupt. The honeymoon is over.

And I wouldn't mind it as much, since he poops so much less frequently, but also his pee now smells like...well...piss, and he does that even more now. Not more frequently, but more voluminously. Sigh... my baby boy is growing up.

And it is another one of those wake-up calls that you realize you really are a parent when you find yourself wiping a poopy butt (or in Felix's case, prying that nasty brown mass out of his crack). Up til now it has been all rosy and runny and not at all like what you do for yourself in the bathroom. Well surprise, you are really doing the thankless job now. Now we're really in the shit.

Next week we're going to start in on the fruits. Bananas, mangoes (if we can find any), etc. No citrus, no raw apples either, but applesauce is supposed to be ok.

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