Sunday, January 07, 2007

sunday morning post

Felix has finally gone down for his nap, Andrea is at the Y, and I'm here at home, finishing my coffee and scribbling some thoughts here.

First- news of the weird/disturbing nature.
Yesterday I discovered a breadstick on the outside windowsill of our front picture window. This was the thick style of breadstick that you might get with a plate of spaghetti. Alone this would seem strange. This is the third known incident of pastry being left on our porch. The first time I discovered a half eaten danish on the front porch railing. The second time it was a half-eaten bagel left in the bottom most corner of porch floor, on the alley side. In both of these cases, someone could have easily walked up the the porch and left said breads on our porch without really coming onto the porch. Once from the front, once possibly from the side by the alley. At first it was kind of funny and we noticed both instances shortly after a visit from Andrea's helper. Andrea thought it sounded like something she might have done (ditching a food item right before "arriving"). Well, this last time it was on the windowsill, as if someone were standing on our porch, right by the picture window, and carefully set their leftover food right on the corner of the sill.

So...yeah, a bit creepy. Andrea is very upset that Ash has never made a peep about these visits. I expect it is because he is asleep when this happens, so of course he's not going to hear it. For christmas from Andrea's dad we got a wireless video baby monitor system and an all-weather outdoor wireless camera that I will probably get mounted pretty quickly now that we have someone we'd like to catch. I'm suspecting it's some guys from the apartment building that are hanging around in the alley waiting for someone who think its funny to leave bagels or something on someone's house.
Well, we're gonna get that guy on candid camera. Of course, all of that does depend a bit on the final piece which connects to the computer via USB and lets you monitor and record to your hard drive. We also got a camera monitoring program from the same company that will do things like time-lapse and motion detection. And it will automatically encode the archives into divx format so it won't take up loads of space.

Well, thats all for now. Only took me 2 days to get this one post out...

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