Friday, January 05, 2007


I'm just about through reading "The Catcher in the Rye". Andrea got it from the library and read it in like a day or two (she reads fast). Immediately she started theorizing that Wes Anderson must have been heavily influenced by J.D. Salinger. One search in Wikipedia confirmed this. I've been reading it so that we can talk about it. We've found that Felix seems more interested in observing us talk about stuff during dinner than watching us watch a show (or rather, trying to watch the show himself). Also, doesn't your life feel more worthwhile when you can read, digest, and discuss a good book with someone you live with? It is important to be able to talk about things outside of your domestic conversational realm like paying bills, doing house work, baby stuff, trying to further your career, etc. It is nice to have intellectually stimulating yet relationship-neutral discussion topics.

That and its nice to have adult conversations that remind us that we are two people who are married because deep down we really do like to talk to each other and can have some great conversations.

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