Tuesday, January 06, 2009

short story

just had to share this:
This morning Felix wanted to play at taking a nap (its his new favorite game in the morning...wake up and take a nap). He pointed and said he wanted me to lay down too. SO I did, and as soon as my head hit the pillow he said, "Daddy, story!" Ah ha! It was a trap.

I turned it around on him and said, "I want a nap. You tell me a story." So he thought for a second and then said:

Little boy
jump over
Little doggy
jump higher
 over rainbow.
jump that.
Felix jump that.

The end. (I added that part)

1 comment:

anne said...

I love the little stories Colin makes up...he often starts them with once upon a time. Their stories are often windows into what is important to them or on their minds.