Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Big Day For real

So, I waited in line for about an hour to vote. Andrea had gotten up early and gone to vote so she wouldn't have to stay late at work. I emailed her about the lines and seeming lack of resources at the voting place (a school). She emailed me from work while I was in line, "No doubt. Make you miss Minnesota? just wait until you get to the archaic lever machine!" to which I responded "Voting at the Iron Maiden." When I finally wound my way up to the voting booth (only one per district!!! and there were 10 districts voting at this spot! wtf?!) I entered and found that I wasn't far off. A little boy and his father were ahead of me. Right before they went in the boy commented (he couldn't have been more than 5 years old, probably 4) that it looked like a giant toilet. I had to agree. After you set your levers, the voting official has to hit a silver lever on the side of the machine that looks exactly like a toilet handle. The metaphor of this official "flushing" away the previous person's vote was somewhat chilling, but then when you consider that we live in New York City, our votes are, essentially, being pissed away. I mean, Obama is a foregone conclusion in this state. But you know, you gotta do it.

I actually have the day off. My whole company if off today. That's nice. I'm taking the opportunity to get some work done :) Yeah, lately being at work is almost more distracting because there's so much going on there. Today I'm working on some development that I really have been having a hard time getting done at work. Made a lot of progress. That will let me save some boring/nuts and bolts stuff for when I am actually in the office. It has also been difficult because we've been touring preschools for Felix and sometimes we have one or two a week, which means I've taken a lot of half-days. Having that sort of break in your usual work flow can be pretty disruptive. Wish I was cutting things up because of fabulous vacations or something, but I don't see THAT happening any time soon.

So, this is my one treat, sort of. I'm taking a quick break to put a post in here.

Having election dayy off sort of sucks. We got up and voted and now its just sit and simmer and try to distract yourself with something (in my case, work) until later this evening when the real race happens. And I think it will be even worse since we're on the east coast so the final verdict, unless its a complete landslide, won't be in until like 2am? Oh well. The joys of being first. Hurry up and wait.

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