Monday, August 25, 2008

Vacation 101

Andrea flew to Latvia yesterday (Poland actually, she didn't arrive in Latvia until today) to visit her long lost friend who is now 9 months pregnant. I had entertained the idea of taking the whole week off myself and spending some hardcore quality time with Felix. Well, being as deeply involved and highly instrumental in my numero uno biggest project this year, taking a whole week off from work didn't seem like a good idea. For me or for work. Instead I'm taking today and tomorrow off. Next monday is labor day (yes, already, summer is over!) so I have that off and I'm taking the following thursday and Friday off to cover for the nanny. So, this week is 3 days at work and next week is only two, so I guess I really am getting a whole week off right in the thick of things. Just not all in one lump.

What was I saying? Oh yes. So while Andrea if "on vacation" I'm also "on vacation." What that means is that rather than just having my same old day home with Felix I'm trying to do other fun stuff with him so it is like a vacation for him too. At first, when I was actually entertaining the idea of a whole week off, there was the option of connecting with my parents and relatives in Boston. It would have been just Felix and I hitting the road and hooking up with the rents and relatives in Beantown. There was some disappointment all around when I decided we just couldn't do that trip. But really I just couldn't swing a whole week off and looking back, it would have been absolutely insane to try and set up this trip at the same time as getting Andrea set up for her trip...and even more insane to actually go on it. So, on our abbreviated vacation schedule, Felix and I went to the New Yor kaquarium at Coney Island this morning and saw the fishies. Between yesterday's trips to and from the airport and today's jaunt to Coney Island, Felix has logged around 3 hours on trains of various sorts (subway, AirTrain, LIRR). The verdict so far: AirTrain and LIRR are good, subway is not so good. At every subway stop Felix looks to me and says, "Done." Which is really his was of asking "Can we get off at this stop?" and stating, "I no longer find this amusing."

After spending all morning at the aquarium, we walked across the boardwalk and across the sand to the atlantic ocean. Felix and I got our feet wet. As the water rushes back out to the ocean, it does its best to suck the sand out from beneath our feet. I had forgotten all about that. Felix was holding my hand as usual so he didn't fall down, but he did end up dangling from my arm and saying "Up!" which means "I'm done walking, pick me up right now please."

So, on day 1 of our 2 days of vacation we saw the fishies and touched the ocean. We also skipped our nap entirely and had blueberry crumble at Dizzy's for dessert.

Tomorrow? Maybe go to the beach, but I don't know...maybe in the afternoon. I don't want to interrupt Felix's napping schedule. Today he skipped completely because we stayed out too late. I don't want to do that two dayys in a row. Felix could decide he doesn't want naps any more and that would be BAD. On a positive note, Felix demanded that he sleep in his crib. Why is this a big deal? Since we moved to New ork, Felix has rarely slept a full night in his crib alone. After a week or two of Felix waking us (and our neighbors) up with screaming fits, we just started putting him in our bed from the start to avoid the screaming fits. Last week I took down one side of his crib in hopes of avoiding the ever more inevitable head injury that Felix would sustain when he finally scales the side of his crib before figuring out what happens after he makes it over the top of the rail. So he's been napping with the crib half-converted into a big-boy bed and tonight he demanded (in a whiny sort of way) that he sleep there. It was one of my pie in the sky goals to ween him off of the mama-dada bed while Andrea was gone and boom, he's done it on his own.

What does tomorrow hold? who knows...

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