Sunday, June 15, 2008


As much as moving here has been good to us (my job, great neighborhood, Felix's classes and being near the park) or bad to us (Andrea's job, no dishwasher, bare bones laundromats, high cost of living, "the house", education system for Felix) or indifferent (death, taxes), its nice to know that there are some pleasant surprises. I had taken Felix ti the park this morning so he could practice riding his new trike ($3 from a stoop sale), Fisher Price sort of tricycle/big-wheel hybrid, and we had a good time. Felix goes down for his nap and i run out the cycle some laundry that we hadn't had done yesterday. I decide to go around the block on my way back instead of coming back the way I came. I discovered that all of 7th Ave is blocked off and there are stalls set up all along it as far as you can see in both directions. It's a fricking festival on my street and I didn't even know it!!! And try as I might, I can't see any visible signal as to what its about. Yesterday was a gay pride parade up near the park, but this doesn't seem to be related to that. Maybe its just park of "Celebrate Brooklyn" since that just started this weekend. But seriously, it has more the feel of "On June 15th, every business on 7th Ave is just going to roll out its front door and start selling on the street." Seriously. Its amazing. When Felix gets up from his nap, we're all going to have to go down there. Holy shit.

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