Monday, March 31, 2008

Buyer's market?

No kidding. I am, of course, referring to the housing market. I must admit that right now would be the ideal time to get into the real estate business in the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" sense, the buy low, sell less low...

I mean, if you are in that business and you were picking up lots of properties in the past three years and now at full inventory you're probably screwed, but if you are just starting out, say you somehow have a bunch of money that you'd like to invest in real estate before the rebound starts, well, now is probably as good a time as any. People like me who are selling their homes not for profit but to remove the financial burden of owning the home, you'd be sitting pretty. I myself am looking into some options because I need to do SOMETHING in case we can't get renters placed pronto (and let me tell you, Pronto is slipping by quickly).

Anyway...if you have a bunch of cash laying around, I'd say wait about 2 more months and then buy your houses and whatnot. Then plan on owning those houses for the next seven to ten years, you know, until all of us who had our home ownership-worthy credit dashed on the rocks when we lost or short-sold our homes to you are able to start buying homes again.

I personally have no desire to own a house right now. It was a bit of a rush to own land and a home, but really I'm not in the place where a house is really a smart investment.

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