Sunday, December 30, 2007

end in sight?

with the new year upon us I find several plots hopefully coming to an end, or at least taking a mid-season break:
icehouse 2007 - insured! but what else will happen next?!
feverboy - this is hopefully a pre-new years cliffhanger subplot arc that will resolve itself before 08. basically, sometime saturday felix pitched a fever. could have started in the AM but we gave him motrin for teething so we never noticed the fever until the afternoon when he woke up from his nap. highest recorded was 102.5. we called the nurse line to find out when and where to take him. then called his peed office and the oncall doc called back. he said we can treat the fever with tylenol and motrin to get through the weekend and if he's still feverish on Monday then they will see him there. he goes up and down during the day and obviously his nap schedule is blown all to hell. Its really strange to have this child be so unlike his usual self, tired and cranky and wanting to do nothing but lie still because he's so hot and feeling sick and then two hours later he seems completely back to normal for about two hours and then he slides right back down to the previous feverish state. I was really fantasizing that he would break out of this fever cycle sometime today but the later it gets the more I'm beginning to feel like he and Andrea will be going to the doctor tomorrow. or maybe I'll take him. Nobody will care if I am in to work late tomorrow, especially with a good reason like a sick toddler.

Have I mentioned lately how amazing he is? He is. Truly amazing. He communicates fairly well, he's a super monkey ninja toddler, for real, and he's still just about the cutes thing ever ever EVER. Really.

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