Tuesday, November 21, 2006

spousal support

Oh no! Blogging from work again!
Just kidding. I took the day off to take care of Felix. Last Friday we had a woman come and "mother's helper" for Andrea for a couple hours as an interview/trial. Sounds like she'll work out! I had already taken a day off for this week and next week to stay home and give A. a break. Felix is taking his second nap so I'm talking this chance to catch up my blog a little bit.

Work is great. As great as it can be I guess, meaning they are still paying me and my job doesn't suck. Work takes on a new flavor when you have a kid. On the one hand, going to work every day provides a lot of structure and regularity and a small respite from the times when Felix is having a bad day. Lately he's been congested so we have to suction out his nose. Not fun for him, not fun for us. Also, he seems to sleep less and less during the day, and he pushes bedtime back further and further. He usually sleeps through the night, or at least until about 4 or 5am. But when he gets tired, instead of falling asleep, he gets cranky. But over the past couple days he's gotten a lot better. I think, as the administration might put it, we've turned a corner, we'll stay the course!

Actually, Felix is a pretty happy baby. Its just that he gets to a certain time in the evening when he is done for the day but he doesn't want to admit it. That's when he gets grumpy.

I was playing with him on his butterfly mat/toybar the other night when he, out of nowhere, just rolls over from laying on his back. I was looking right at him. He just sort of went up on his side and then whump, rolled onto his tummy like it was nothing. "Uh....honey...Felix just rolled over onto his stomach." Andrea rushed into the living room from the kitchen, "He did?!?!?!" "Yep."

See, up to this point I've been missing the first times because they usually happen at work. "He just rolled over onto his back!!!!" "Oh yeah, he's been doing that for a couple days now," she says in an offhand manner. "WHAT??? Why didn't you tell me that?" "I did but you weren't listening..."

So I finally got my own Felix First. And I got another one today. He fell asleep while I was bottle feeding him. Bottle feeding has been something of a necessary evil around here and he usually only eats just enough to stave off complete hysteria. When he nurses with mom, of course, its the most relaxing thing in the world so he frequently falls asleep or continues to sleep-nurse. Well, no sleep eating from the bottle.

And he's awake...gotta go.

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