Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well, I've been busy. I haven't really been doing much at work except for work and I've been doing nada at home but Felix fathering. I have no hobbies that can't be squeezed into the 30 minute bus ride or my lunch hour.

Actually, AT work I was able to do one fun thing, which was to produce a short video explaining the basic background of source control using StarWars figures as the actors. It was a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work. Makes me want to make more movies though...if only I had the time.

Felix is growing like a weed. A very sturdy, solid, weed. Seriously, the kid is like a brick. He's going to be a big boy when he grows up, is all I'm saying. Bigger than dad for sure.

Right now I'm sneaking some moments while doing diaper laundry. Since the washing machine only takes 20 minutes but the dryer (have to run dry cycle twice on a medium to full load) takes all of 150 minutes. So I usually try to get the washing done and kick of round 1 of the dryer before going to bed, then if Felix wakes up in the night, I kick off round 2 then or start it when I wake up in the morning. He's been sleeping through the night on a semi-permanent basis so I've had to start setting the alarm clock again. Anyway...seems like i never have enough time to get laundry done or really to do much of anything else. Though Sunday Felix was good and went right to sleep while I was watching him (Andrea was out) and stayed asleep almost all night. I was actually able to do some reading. For work. Sad, isn't it? But I'm filling in for someone at work while they are on a month-long vacation and doing my best to make sure that they don't have the same job when they come back (I'm an associate, he's a Sr., and I've been doing his job AND my job for all of October, as well as side projects). Sure, I got the midyear bump, but I don't want anyone to think I'm being complacent. Besides, I have a family and when it comes to promos and annual increases, having a senior engineer sitting around and sucking up a disproportionate chunk of the budget while I'm clearly capable of doing his job, possibly even better, WHILE doing my regular job. well, you can see. It's a dog eat dog world in some cases and I need to maximize the input and minimize the timeframe. I just got a new manager, but things are looking good there too.

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