Sunday, May 28, 2006


Have you accepted BLOG as your personal savior?

I have not, yet, but I'm coming back to church after a couple years hiatus. I was never a real blogger, but a journaller. I didn't make callouts and commentary on what was happening in the rest of the web-wide-world. I mean, I posted some links and commentary, but the meat of my entries was personal exposition. What happened to me on a given day, what thoughts I was having, what flights of fancy I had indulged in within the confines of my own head. Mostly I was entertaining myself and my small group of (mostly related) readers. Sort of a passive email system, if you will.

Well, right after I got married and I got serious about my life and my job I ended up either not having time or the desire to involve everyone, friends, family, and/or countless strangers in my business. 2 and a half years later and I'm professionally on-top of it, have a pretty good marriage, and find myself crossing "maturity milestones" in increasingly shorter intervals. And I find myself frequently thinking to myself, "I should write that on my blog" or "that would be great[sic] content for my blog...if I still had one."

So, what's going on? Here's what. I have stepped off of my high-maintenance-horse. I no longer care whether or not I host my blog on my own server in my own house. In fact, I'd prefer not to because it was a personal sysadmin nightmare that I never had enough time to deal with, and will not have time for in the present or future. Yes, it is fun to run your own webserver and be able to run your own site, etc. But you know, I never really took advantage, or rather, became educated by the tasks of running my own website. Most cases it ended up I was throwing darts in the dark. Well, I no longer have time to learn to walk by rolling, then crawling, then cruising. I'm going to take advantage of the tools that have enabled even the most inept to start polluting the blogosphere with their ideas of what's important or, in many cases, real.

So let's cut to the chase. This is not going to be an important blog. You will not hear this website quoted by the pundits or the meta-pundits or anybody. I'm sure to express some political opinions, but its unlikely that anyone will find them interesting or noteworthy. Also, I doubt if I will be spotting the latest trends in tech, style, or culture here. And neither will you.

This blog will be self-important, self-referencing, self-aggrandize, and self-sufficient. Take comfort in knowing that this journal exists within the confines of my head and may or may not be affected by anything that happens in the world unless I choose for said thing to affect the way I feel or think.

I am starting up blogging again because by and large, I think I'm hovering somewhere between level 4 and level 5 on any given day.

As it says in the description of this blog, 2006 is the year everything important seems to be happening. We close on our first home on Wednesday, our first baby is due in a little under 2 months, and I will be turning 31 in September, which will makes me officially OVER 30. Respectability never seemed so real.

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