Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

never ending story

no, in this case I'm not talking about dad's medical situation. Instead, i'm talking about Felix's "medical" situation. Anyway, he's had a cough of various shapes and sizes since about October and as you know at the end of December he had a rip-roaring ear infection followed by a stomach virus a couple weeks ago, followed by instructions by our pediatrician to go ahead and take the amoxicillin we didn't use before because Felix still had fluid behind his ear drum and she was afraid it would turn into a sinus infection. So a week ago we started him on his amoxicillin. During that time his mood has greatly improved though his nose has not. In fact, he now has a cruddy hacking cough and runny nose, and some sneezing too. Clear snot, though, for the most part. Well, last night he looked like he was starting to get a rash. light pink spots all over his chest and even on his face. Hrm. Well, this morning it seemed a bit more pronounced. And when I got home from work today the kid looked painfully rashy, covered head to toe in a dark pink rash. The thing of it was, despite looking terribly rashy, he was perfectly happy, in fact in some ways seems even happier than he has been, just following the trajectory of his "recovery" I guess. So, he looks horrible...looking at him makes me feel like scratching myself all over. But he doesn't appear the be itchy at all, or even uncomfortable at all.

So it's pretty disturbing to look at. I get on webMD and look up chicken pox. Well, maybe, but it seems to be too dense of a rash for chicken pox. Then we look up measles and, holy shit, it looks just like measles! But he was vaccinated (I looked at his records, he got them at the beginning of the summer) and measles is supposed to be incredibly rare in the USA. Hrm. Andrea's freaked out because she thinks he may have an immune defficiency. Now, in most cases that seems a little nuts, but given my family's medical history (my brother had an immune problem when he was a chicken pox 3 times!) its not something you can just rule out. The nanny thought the rash was caused by the only thing that was different between yesterday and today, which is that he was eating red grapes yesterday and today. Ok, logical, rational, not unreasonable...but when you see pictures of measles and they look just like whats on Felix, its hard to shake it. I keep thinking, "Well, we know it's not bacterial because he's been on antibiotics for seven days now. If it is caused by a virus, there's nothing they can do but treat the symptoms, which he has none of. No fever, no soar throat, no aches, not vomiting or diarrhea, no pneumonia. The kid is happy as pigs in mud. So what do we do?" We of course get on the old Google-o-meter and start looking for pictures of rashes. It certainly looks like measles (you can google "looks like measles") but despite the endless pages and pictures describing and documenting measles, they all have something very much in common: they almost immediately state how rare it is for anyone in the US to contract measles IN the US. So then i get to thinking...he's been on the amoxicillin for a week, maybe its related to that? The drug info says it can cause a rash, hives, siezures, and death. Have you ever really read the list of possible side-effects on any prescription drug? Good grief. I google "Amoxicillin rash" and BADA_BING. Describes a rash that shows up between day 5 and day 16 of amoxicillin cycle, is not itchy or irritating at all, and goes away in a few days. I then look for pictures and again, find amoxicillin rash that looks EXACTLY like what Felix's rash looks like. Big sigh of relief.

That's not to say that's exactly what it is, but so far it makes the most sense. Also, it lets us know that if he does start to show other symptoms we can rule in or out that or other things and take him to the doctor. But really, unless he starts acting sick or his rash turns into big hairy eyeballs all over his body, we're not going to worry too much.

Go google.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

mr. mom

I stayed home with Felix again today because our nanny called in sick this morning. On the one hand, its great that I can do that but on the other would be nice if we had some sort of back-up child care so that when this happens (and I'm sure it will) again it doesn't have to throw mine or Andrea's day into chaos. Despite it all, I managed to work from home for a couple hours and make some serious headway on a problem/new area of development. The wonders of virtual infrastructure...

Anyway, I also managed to record a short video blog but its not a good one so I think it will end up in the bin.

Felix had his 18 month appointment on Tuesday. The doc looked in his ears and told us that we should go ahead on use the oral antibiotic prescription that we got two weeks ago when Felix had his eardrum burst. She said she could see some fluid still back there so she advised that we run through the course of amoxicillin to keep it from turning into a sinus infection. Seems like she was just in time too, since Felix has started to get very cranky and needy like he did when he was sick. I think its mostly due to some heightened teething activity (I think his molars are doing the heave-ho or something). Poor kid. So, the results of his appt? low % weight, high % height. He's slim and tall. The doc was asking the diagnostic questions and the first one just totally threw me.
"Can he run?" I blinked at her.
"Can he run? You know, he'll be probably a little stiff in the legs at first but..."
"OH. Right. Yeah he runs. It's all he does. Can he sit still, that's the real question!"
He runs, flips pages in a book, had 15-20 "words", he definitely seems to understand us, he feeds himself, he can drink from a cup, he can drive a car, he can vote, etc...

So, yeah. it was a bit of a rough day, had its moments. I look forward to not staying home tomorrow.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Hey, guess what holiday I'm not used to having off from work is being celebrated today, by me, at work?

Yes. I come in and the hallway is dark and there's one guy here and he seems surprised to see me.
I asked, "Are we closed?" and he says (verbatim), "It's a holiday dude!"
"Oh...well, I'm here today."
Yeah, well this threw me a little bit. See, MLK is Jan 15th and today is Jan 21. But I guess MLK is like Presidents day where it may BE on a particular date but for some reason it is recognized on a specific Monday (providing everyone with a 3-day weekend). Also, for the past seven years I've worked in a place where MLK was not specifically a day off from work. You could take it off, to be sure, (you'd get some weird looks if you are whitey, though). I don't even know if schools kids get the day off in the middle west where I'm technically from. But here in NYC, they place is rather ghosty. I got to sit down on the ride in.

Well, just was well, since i was out for the last half of last week due to illness (and covering for the ill). And after that super long "weekend" I was not going to be staying home today. No sir-ee bob. So Andrea and i might meet up later and go see a movie.

Friday, January 11, 2008

effing aholes

Despite having been seriously rained on earlier in the day, I was having a fairly nice Friday. However, on the elevator ride down to the street level (I'm on the 11th floor) at the 10thf floor two guys got in, a middle aged white guy and a youngish (late 20's maybe) hispanic or asian (or perhaps both) guy. They obviously worked together. It was these two guys and myself in the elevator only. The older guy says something, I don't know what, but nothing too out of the ordinary. The younger guy says, and not quietly, "That fucking bitch." The other guy says something neutral, sort of how you talk to someone you are trying not to rile up, but also not really trying to encourage them either. "God! That fat fucking...I hate that bitch." It quickly becomes clear that Mr. foul mouth is unhappy with some woman he works with, most likely his boss or someone else above him. Possibly someone on his level that he's in competition with, but I get the feeling its someone over him. But here's the thing...this asshole is just swearing left and right about this woman and here I am, complete stranger, trapped in the elevator with him and his non-confrontational schmoe co-worker. What kind of inconsiderate asshole thinks its OK to do that in an elevator? It makes me so mad, I've been having elevator revenge fantasies all night. What a fucking jerk.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Odd, it feels like I've been blogging every day, yet there's nary a posty between here and a week ago. In truth, since the new year (since Dec 25th, actually) I've been journaling on paper while I wait for and ride the train to and from work. This is both helpful and a hindrance because I am more free to write my thoughts in my private journal but I also find I put a lot of content in there that would also end up here for general consumption but that never makes it here because, well, who has time (or motivation) to transcribe and edit one's handwritten personal journal for a publicly available edition for blog? Not I.

So, here's the weekly roundup:
Felix - 200% better than before.
Will & Andrea - worse, better, better.
Glen - Honestly, tonight id the first time I've seen him since my last post.

Work - great. getting busier all the time. I have to come up with some annual objectives. If nothing else, working at Target more than prepared me for the kinds of HR hoops you have to jump through in any company that actually has an HR department.
Play - what? what's that? oh, been dabbling with my webcam and that security cam from A's dad. By tomorrow I should be able to cobble together a little pirate studio. The only problem with the webcam is that it's, well, very cheap and very low quality. The few times we've done skype between NYC and the middle-west they said I looked like I was starring in one of those Al Quaeda videos that they shoot in the mountain caves of Afghanistan. That and my laptop mic-jack is somewhat unreliable. But anyway, hopefully the ATM-cam will provide much better video quality. With that in place, hopefully we can make the most of things like Skype and perhaps I'll start video blogging. Why not? everyone else is doing it.

Dad - Dad had his surgery today and though it took longer and was "more difficult" than expected, it was without complication and as far as we know, successful. No news on the actual effectiveness until Monday, or maybe Tuesday.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


not able to update much this week. Felix has been steadily getting better but also morphing symptoms. The rest of us have been somewhere between getting worse and getting better. I feel like crap most of the time, had fever and chills last night. Felix can be happy one moment and then suddenly cranky, usually with his fist stuck all the way in his mouth. Tonight he did it again and some fluid started draining from his ear. Then he was magically a super happy old Felix. Eating and laughing and dancing and playing...but still leaking from his ear. So we called his peed office (after calling grandma first) and the doc told us the same thing that mom said. Burst ear drum, nothing more to do, treat fever with tylenol/motrin, see you in the morning. I'm sure I will be one of many people lined up outside the Dr. office at 9am, but whatever. Every day this week I've emailed my boss saying "I'm probably going to be late or out today because of Felix" and I always end up going in, usually not too much later than usual. Well, tonight I PROMISED I was going to be in late. I wouldn't be surprised if we show up at 9 and wait until 5 to be seen.

Otherwise, things seem to be ok. It is now 2008, which means I instantl,y accrused 2 weeks of vacation. Not that I'm able to go anywhere, what wit our most uncertain conditions of our real estate in MN, the health of our son and ourselves, and of course, a brimming work schedule. But hey, Suzanne is etting married so we'll have to get back to the middle west at least for that.

The house is being thawed out slowly. The disaster recovery guy said, "The good news is, there doesn't appear to be much additional damage being caused by the melted water. It all seems to be ending up in the basement." Seems odd to me that they thaw out the pipes to ALLOW damage to take place before fixing it. I guess it is easier to locate all the leaks when the melting water is allowed to do more a weird way. I mean, I guess they are going to fix everything so I shouldn't care if they tear the whole house down before building it back up, so long as it is the same or better when they are through.